How do I train Karate Online with you?
The way this works is, you review the material over on The Courses page for your current rank. You’ll need to watch the videos and go through the material on your own many times before submitting a test. If you need help or even want to send us a video to review how you are doing feel free! You can email us anytime
We also did a video with a quick start guide on how to get started and how the program works. You can watch it here:
How long does it take to get to Black Belt?
This is going to differ from person to person. As well as how much time you put into it. It can take anywhere from 3 to 5 years is usually the minimum. Sometimes even longer. Do not feel discouraged if it does!
How do you offer online lessons so cheaply?
Our goal is to offer a Karate experience to anyone in the world at a very affordable rate! It does not cost us much to operate, everything here we do ourselves. We’ve also spent many years planning ways to do this cheaply, so we wanted to pass our savings onto our students.
What sets you guys apart from the other online schools?
Being from Appalachia we want to share the beauty of it with the rest of the world. If you notice we have filmed the lessons in locations around the region. Aside from that we provide instruction at very affordable rates.
Is it possible to go through the program without a partner?
Yes! We’ve given instructions on how to do things without one in the lesson videos.
Do you offer regular Zoom/Virtual Classes?
We don’t offer regular classes at this time. We offer a monthly live class for our Basic Plus members, to check in and see how everyone is doing. If you’re looking for regular classes for exercise/weight loss as well as Karate training check our partner school Average Joe Karate. They offer regular virtual classes there.
Will the rank certificates say “Online” on them?
No, we issue the same certificates for our online students as well as our in-person students. We’ve listed one below as an example.