Welcome to Appalachian Karate Online!

Appalachian Karate Online was founded by owners Donald and Jimmy, the guys behind Spooky Appalachia. Donald and Jimmy have both been training in Martial Arts most of their lives, and now they want to bring the teachings to not only their home region of Appalachia, but the world at affordable rates.

How this works is, you go through the pre-recorded lessons at your own pace. You can do this from literally anywhere!

If you have questions, you can ask us or even send us a video of what you are having trouble with. In addition, we will give you feedback on things to work on during each rank exam. This way, you can keep improving and hopefully even reach black belt one day.

To get started all you need to do is go to our sign up page and pick a plan that fits your needs. It’s as simple as that!

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